1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339
//! Public APIs and types for [ArceOS] modules
//! [ArceOS]: https://github.com/rcore-os/arceos
feature = "alloc",
feature = "fs",
feature = "net",
feature = "multitask",
feature = "dummy-if-not-enabled"
extern crate alloc;
extern crate axruntime;
mod macros;
mod imp;
pub use axerrno::{AxError, AxResult};
/// Platform-specific constants and parameters.
pub mod config {
pub use axconfig::*;
/// System operations.
pub mod sys {
define_api! {
/// Shutdown the whole system and all CPUs.
pub fn ax_terminate() -> !;
/// Time-related operations.
pub mod time {
define_api_type! {
pub type AxTimeValue;
define_api! {
/// Returns the current clock time.
pub fn ax_current_time() -> AxTimeValue;
/// Memory management.
pub mod mem {
use core::{alloc::Layout, ptr::NonNull};
define_api! {
@cfg "alloc";
/// Allocate a continuous memory blocks with the given `layout` in
/// the global allocator.
/// Returns [`None`] if the allocation fails.
pub fn ax_alloc(layout: Layout) -> Option<NonNull<u8>>;
/// Deallocate the memory block at the given `ptr` pointer with the given
/// `layout`, which should be allocated by [`ax_alloc`].
pub fn ax_dealloc(ptr: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout);
/// Standard input and output.
pub mod stdio {
use core::fmt;
define_api! {
/// Reads a byte from the console, or returns [`None`] if no input is available.
pub fn ax_console_read_byte() -> Option<u8>;
/// Writes a slice of bytes to the console, returns the number of bytes written.
pub fn ax_console_write_bytes(buf: &[u8]) -> crate::AxResult<usize>;
/// Writes a formatted string to the console.
pub fn ax_console_write_fmt(args: fmt::Arguments) -> fmt::Result;
/// Multi-threading management.
pub mod task {
define_api_type! {
@cfg "multitask";
pub type AxTaskHandle;
pub type AxWaitQueueHandle;
define_api! {
/// Current task is going to sleep, it will be woken up at the given deadline.
/// If the feature `multitask` is not enabled, it uses busy-wait instead
pub fn ax_sleep_until(deadline: crate::time::AxTimeValue);
/// Current task gives up the CPU time voluntarily, and switches to another
/// ready task.
/// If the feature `multitask` is not enabled, it does nothing.
pub fn ax_yield_now();
/// Exits the current task with the given exit code.
pub fn ax_exit(exit_code: i32) -> !;
define_api! {
@cfg "multitask";
/// Returns the current task's ID.
pub fn ax_current_task_id() -> u64;
/// Spawns a new task with the given entry point and other arguments.
pub fn ax_spawn(
f: impl FnOnce() + Send + 'static,
name: alloc::string::String,
stack_size: usize
) -> AxTaskHandle;
/// Waits for the given task to exit, and returns its exit code (the
/// argument of [`ax_exit`]).
pub fn ax_wait_for_exit(task: AxTaskHandle) -> Option<i32>;
/// Sets the priority of the current task.
pub fn ax_set_current_priority(prio: isize) -> crate::AxResult;
/// Blocks the current task and put it into the wait queue, until the
/// given condition becomes true, or the the given duration has elapsed
/// (if specified).
pub fn ax_wait_queue_wait(
wq: &AxWaitQueueHandle,
until_condition: impl Fn() -> bool,
timeout: Option<core::time::Duration>,
) -> bool;
/// Wakes up one or more tasks in the wait queue.
/// The maximum number of tasks to wake up is specified by `count`. If
/// `count` is `u32::MAX`, it will wake up all tasks in the wait queue.
pub fn ax_wait_queue_wake(wq: &AxWaitQueueHandle, count: u32);
/// Filesystem manipulation operations.
pub mod fs {
use crate::AxResult;
define_api_type! {
@cfg "fs";
pub type AxFileHandle;
pub type AxDirHandle;
pub type AxOpenOptions;
pub type AxFileAttr;
pub type AxFileType;
pub type AxFilePerm;
pub type AxDirEntry;
pub type AxSeekFrom;
#[cfg(feature = "myfs")]
pub type AxDisk;
#[cfg(feature = "myfs")]
pub type MyFileSystemIf;
define_api! {
@cfg "fs";
/// Opens a file at the path relative to the current directory with the
/// options specified by `opts`.
pub fn ax_open_file(path: &str, opts: &AxOpenOptions) -> AxResult<AxFileHandle>;
/// Opens a directory at the path relative to the current directory with
/// the options specified by `opts`.
pub fn ax_open_dir(path: &str, opts: &AxOpenOptions) -> AxResult<AxDirHandle>;
/// Reads the file at the current position, returns the number of bytes read.
/// After the read, the cursor will be advanced by the number of bytes read.
pub fn ax_read_file(file: &mut AxFileHandle, buf: &mut [u8]) -> AxResult<usize>;
/// Reads the file at the given position, returns the number of bytes read.
/// It does not update the file cursor.
pub fn ax_read_file_at(file: &AxFileHandle, offset: u64, buf: &mut [u8]) -> AxResult<usize>;
/// Writes the file at the current position, returns the number of bytes
/// written.
/// After the write, the cursor will be advanced by the number of bytes
/// written.
pub fn ax_write_file(file: &mut AxFileHandle, buf: &[u8]) -> AxResult<usize>;
/// Writes the file at the given position, returns the number of bytes
/// written.
/// It does not update the file cursor.
pub fn ax_write_file_at(file: &AxFileHandle, offset: u64, buf: &[u8]) -> AxResult<usize>;
/// Truncates the file to the specified size.
pub fn ax_truncate_file(file: &AxFileHandle, size: u64) -> AxResult;
/// Flushes the file, writes all buffered data to the underlying device.
pub fn ax_flush_file(file: &AxFileHandle) -> AxResult;
/// Sets the cursor of the file to the specified offset. Returns the new
/// position after the seek.
pub fn ax_seek_file(file: &mut AxFileHandle, pos: AxSeekFrom) -> AxResult<u64>;
/// Returns attributes of the file.
pub fn ax_file_attr(file: &AxFileHandle) -> AxResult<AxFileAttr>;
/// Reads directory entries starts from the current position into the
/// given buffer, returns the number of entries read.
/// After the read, the cursor of the directory will be advanced by the
/// number of entries read.
pub fn ax_read_dir(dir: &mut AxDirHandle, dirents: &mut [AxDirEntry]) -> AxResult<usize>;
/// Creates a new, empty directory at the provided path.
pub fn ax_create_dir(path: &str) -> AxResult;
/// Removes an empty directory.
/// If the directory is not empty, it will return an error.
pub fn ax_remove_dir(path: &str) -> AxResult;
/// Removes a file from the filesystem.
pub fn ax_remove_file(path: &str) -> AxResult;
/// Rename a file or directory to a new name.
/// It will delete the original file if `old` already exists.
pub fn ax_rename(old: &str, new: &str) -> AxResult;
/// Returns the current working directory.
pub fn ax_current_dir() -> AxResult<alloc::string::String>;
/// Changes the current working directory to the specified path.
pub fn ax_set_current_dir(path: &str) -> AxResult;
/// Networking primitives for TCP/UDP communication.
pub mod net {
use crate::{io::AxPollState, AxResult};
use core::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr};
define_api_type! {
@cfg "net";
pub type AxTcpSocketHandle;
pub type AxUdpSocketHandle;
define_api! {
@cfg "net";
// TCP socket
/// Creates a new TCP socket.
pub fn ax_tcp_socket() -> AxTcpSocketHandle;
/// Returns the local address and port of the TCP socket.
pub fn ax_tcp_socket_addr(socket: &AxTcpSocketHandle) -> AxResult<SocketAddr>;
/// Returns the remote address and port of the TCP socket.
pub fn ax_tcp_peer_addr(socket: &AxTcpSocketHandle) -> AxResult<SocketAddr>;
/// Moves this TCP socket into or out of nonblocking mode.
pub fn ax_tcp_set_nonblocking(socket: &AxTcpSocketHandle, nonblocking: bool) -> AxResult;
/// Connects the TCP socket to the given address and port.
pub fn ax_tcp_connect(handle: &AxTcpSocketHandle, addr: SocketAddr) -> AxResult;
/// Binds the TCP socket to the given address and port.
pub fn ax_tcp_bind(socket: &AxTcpSocketHandle, addr: SocketAddr) -> AxResult;
/// Starts listening on the bound address and port.
pub fn ax_tcp_listen(socket: &AxTcpSocketHandle, _backlog: usize) -> AxResult;
/// Accepts a new connection on the TCP socket.
/// This function will block the calling thread until a new TCP connection
/// is established. When established, a new TCP socket is returned.
pub fn ax_tcp_accept(socket: &AxTcpSocketHandle) -> AxResult<(AxTcpSocketHandle, SocketAddr)>;
/// Transmits data in the given buffer on the TCP socket.
pub fn ax_tcp_send(socket: &AxTcpSocketHandle, buf: &[u8]) -> AxResult<usize>;
/// Receives data on the TCP socket, and stores it in the given buffer.
/// On success, returns the number of bytes read.
pub fn ax_tcp_recv(socket: &AxTcpSocketHandle, buf: &mut [u8]) -> AxResult<usize>;
/// Returns whether the TCP socket is readable or writable.
pub fn ax_tcp_poll(socket: &AxTcpSocketHandle) -> AxResult<AxPollState>;
/// Closes the connection on the TCP socket.
pub fn ax_tcp_shutdown(socket: &AxTcpSocketHandle) -> AxResult;
// UDP socket
/// Creates a new UDP socket.
pub fn ax_udp_socket() -> AxUdpSocketHandle;
/// Returns the local address and port of the UDP socket.
pub fn ax_udp_socket_addr(socket: &AxUdpSocketHandle) -> AxResult<SocketAddr>;
/// Returns the remote address and port of the UDP socket.
pub fn ax_udp_peer_addr(socket: &AxUdpSocketHandle) -> AxResult<SocketAddr>;
/// Moves this UDP socket into or out of nonblocking mode.
pub fn ax_udp_set_nonblocking(socket: &AxUdpSocketHandle, nonblocking: bool) -> AxResult;
/// Binds the UDP socket to the given address and port.
pub fn ax_udp_bind(socket: &AxUdpSocketHandle, addr: SocketAddr) -> AxResult;
/// Receives a single datagram message on the UDP socket.
pub fn ax_udp_recv_from(socket: &AxUdpSocketHandle, buf: &mut [u8]) -> AxResult<(usize, SocketAddr)>;
/// Receives a single datagram message on the UDP socket, without
/// removing it from the queue.
pub fn ax_udp_peek_from(socket: &AxUdpSocketHandle, buf: &mut [u8]) -> AxResult<(usize, SocketAddr)>;
/// Sends data on the UDP socket to the given address. On success,
/// returns the number of bytes written.
pub fn ax_udp_send_to(socket: &AxUdpSocketHandle, buf: &[u8], addr: SocketAddr) -> AxResult<usize>;
/// Connects this UDP socket to a remote address, allowing the `send` and
/// `recv` to be used to send data and also applies filters to only receive
/// data from the specified address.
pub fn ax_udp_connect(socket: &AxUdpSocketHandle, addr: SocketAddr) -> AxResult;
/// Sends data on the UDP socket to the remote address to which it is
/// connected.
pub fn ax_udp_send(socket: &AxUdpSocketHandle, buf: &[u8]) -> AxResult<usize>;
/// Receives a single datagram message on the UDP socket from the remote
/// address to which it is connected. On success, returns the number of
/// bytes read.
pub fn ax_udp_recv(socket: &AxUdpSocketHandle, buf: &mut [u8]) -> AxResult<usize>;
/// Returns whether the UDP socket is readable or writable.
pub fn ax_udp_poll(socket: &AxUdpSocketHandle) -> AxResult<AxPollState>;
// Miscellaneous
/// Resolves the host name to a list of IP addresses.
pub fn ax_dns_query(domain_name: &str) -> AxResult<alloc::vec::Vec<IpAddr>>;
/// Poll the network stack.
/// It may receive packets from the NIC and process them, and transmit queued
/// packets to the NIC.
pub fn ax_poll_interfaces() -> AxResult;
/// Graphics manipulation operations.
pub mod display {
define_api_type! {
@cfg "display";
pub type AxDisplayInfo;
define_api! {
@cfg "display";
/// Gets the framebuffer information.
pub fn ax_framebuffer_info() -> AxDisplayInfo;
/// Flushes the framebuffer, i.e. show on the screen.
pub fn ax_framebuffer_flush();
/// Input/output operations.
pub mod io {
define_api_type! {
pub type AxPollState;