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//! [ArceOS](https://github.com/rcore-os/arceos) network module.
//! It provides unified networking primitives for TCP/UDP communication
//! using various underlying network stacks. Currently, only [smoltcp] is
//! supported.
//! # Organization
//! - [`TcpSocket`]: A TCP socket that provides POSIX-like APIs.
//! - [`UdpSocket`]: A UDP socket that provides POSIX-like APIs.
//! - [`dns_query`]: Function for DNS query.
//! # Cargo Features
//! - `smoltcp`: Use [smoltcp] as the underlying network stack. This is enabled
//! by default.
//! [smoltcp]: https://github.com/smoltcp-rs/smoltcp
extern crate log;
extern crate alloc;
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "smoltcp")] {
mod smoltcp_impl;
use smoltcp_impl as net_impl;
pub use self::net_impl::TcpSocket;
pub use self::net_impl::UdpSocket;
pub use self::net_impl::{bench_receive, bench_transmit};
pub use self::net_impl::{dns_query, from_core_sockaddr, into_core_sockaddr, poll_interfaces};
pub use smoltcp::time::Duration;
pub use smoltcp::wire::{IpAddress as IpAddr, IpEndpoint as SocketAddr, Ipv4Address as Ipv4Addr};
use axdriver::{prelude::*, AxDeviceContainer};
/// Initializes the network subsystem by NIC devices.
pub fn init_network(mut net_devs: AxDeviceContainer<AxNetDevice>) {
info!("Initialize network subsystem...");
let dev = net_devs.take_one().expect("No NIC device found!");
info!(" use NIC 0: {:?}", dev.device_name());