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//! # The ArceOS Standard Library
//! The [ArceOS] Standard Library is a mini-std library, with an interface similar
//! to rust [std], but calling the functions directly in ArceOS modules, instead
//! of using libc and system calls.
//! These features are exactly the same as those in [axfeat], they are used to
//! provide users with the selection of features in axfeat, without import
//! [axfeat] additionally:
//! ## Cargo Features
//! - CPU
//! - `smp`: Enable SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) support.
//! - `fp_simd`: Enable floating point and SIMD support.
//! - Interrupts:
//! - `irq`: Enable interrupt handling support.
//! - Memory
//! - `alloc`: Enable dynamic memory allocation.
//! - `alloc-tlsf`: Use the TLSF allocator.
//! - `alloc-slab`: Use the slab allocator.
//! - `alloc-buddy`: Use the buddy system allocator.
//! - `paging`: Enable page table manipulation.
//! - `tls`: Enable thread-local storage.
//! - Task management
//! - `multitask`: Enable multi-threading support.
//! - `sched_fifo`: Use the FIFO cooperative scheduler.
//! - `sched_rr`: Use the Round-robin preemptive scheduler.
//! - `sched_cfs`: Use the Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) preemptive scheduler.
//! - Upperlayer stacks
//! - `fs`: Enable file system support.
//! - `myfs`: Allow users to define their custom filesystems to override the default.
//! - `net`: Enable networking support.
//! - `dns`: Enable DNS lookup support.
//! - `display`: Enable graphics support.
//! - Device drivers
//! - `bus-mmio`: Use device tree to probe all MMIO devices.
//! - `bus-pci`: Use PCI bus to probe all PCI devices.
//! - `driver-ramdisk`: Use the RAM disk to emulate the block device.
//! - `driver-ixgbe`: Enable the Intel 82599 10Gbit NIC driver.
//! - `driver-bcm2835-sdhci`: Enable the BCM2835 SDHCI driver (Raspberry Pi SD card).
//! - Logging
//! - `log-level-off`: Disable all logging.
//! - `log-level-error`, `log-level-warn`, `log-level-info`, `log-level-debug`,
//! `log-level-trace`: Keep logging only at the specified level or higher.
//! [ArceOS]: https://github.com/rcore-os/arceos
#![cfg_attr(all(not(test), not(doc)), no_std)]
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
extern crate alloc;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub use alloc::{boxed, collections, format, string, vec};
pub use core::{arch, cell, cmp, hint, marker, mem, ops, ptr, slice, str};
mod macros;
pub mod env;
pub mod io;
pub mod os;
pub mod process;
pub mod sync;
pub mod thread;
pub mod time;
#[cfg(feature = "fs")]
pub mod fs;
#[cfg(feature = "net")]
pub mod net;